Thursday, July 3, 2008


So this is a new thing I'm working on, so we'll see how it works out.
At the beggining of every month I will be posting the grumpus scenester of the month. Just to show that we appreciate everyone's support towards "the scene".
Will I keep up with it every month? Probably not, so I'll probably end up calling it something else like. . .the when i get to it post about some dude/chick that I've seen hanging out a lot at the grumpus at almost every show and always pays at the door and supports the bands and we dont have to chase down or yell at because they want to get all their friends and family in the show for free, or some shit like that.
You think you got what it takes? You better be there at every show then. I already got a couple of people in mind.
I'll start next month.
Here's a pretty picture for your enjoyment.

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