Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fuck yaaaah...Old pueblo dirt and grit and punk rok shit

So yes...

Thank you to all of ya that paid to support last nites 12 step meeting/fun as hell show

We showed BOATS a fun them some gas $ and continued the rehabilitation
of the tarnished Tucson rep of being a "Bar rock" town.

Fact is...aside from GNARWHAL HOUSE, occasional DRY RIVER shows,occasional LIVING ROOM shows, VAUDEVILLE and GRUMPUS! truly is.

But WE make the difference...apathy and inertia kill the soul and mush up the brain and talking about talking about doing a vague "something" about it put this fucking city in a coma.

Sleepytime is over...and everybody gets to now step up (i.e...SHOW up) or shut the fuck up.

That means you...old whiny scenester and you..."punk" rocker that wants to see out of state bands without paying at the door. YOU are the reason a scene falls apart. YOU cant find it in yourselves to support art, music and expression. YOU are old before your time. YOU can still make a mark and back up the principals you espouse.

That said...GRUMPUS ROOM is legendary already. As it should be. A stinky classic hole-in the wall- punk rock dump. RUN BY PUNKS....not hippies.. Just like the kind you read about in those old zines and saw on those old videos. Diff is...ITS NOW.

Be part of NOW....!

Next show is this Friday...June 13th...

Show starts at 9 .

ALL MONEY goes to the out of state(and country Polka Madre is from Mexico City) bands...Help make Tucson the coolest place to play in AZ and I'll see you this Friday.

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